We recreated an aircraft with that feature, so the ADF was developed as it is.
But, you can change it for a default one following these steps:
Go to the aircraft folder and open the panel folder and esit the panel.cfg with the WordPad application from Windows.
Search the followings lines:
gauge00=CessnaRG0!Vsi, 654,629,130,130
gauge01=CessnaRG0!Turn, 284,671,140,140
gauge02=CessnaRG1!Clock, 302,836,110,108
gauge03=CessnaRG1!Adf, 806,802,140,142
Delete the last one which should be “//gauge18……, and add this one:
gauge18=Bendix_king_radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 984,298,288
Save the file and try it.
You should have the 172 default ADF on the 2D panel.
You have to replace the new panel.cfg in the “Panel”, “Panel.1”, “Panel.2” and “Panel.3” folders.
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