I continue to have a great time flying your marvelous FS2004 GA planes. I also have fun modifying them to suit me and my flying styles, etc.
I have a question about the exterior lights on the FS2004 Piper Seneca. Specifically, I'd like to replace the white navigation light on the back of the top of the tail with the white navigation light from the Cessna 182Q. The one on the Seneca is a big 'blob' while the one on the Cessna 182 is smaller and looks better in screen shots. But I can't find the Seneca's white tail-mounted nav light in the aircraft.cfg file.
I found the red and green wing navigation lights:
light.0 = 3, -3.09, -18.1, 3.03, fx_navredcarenq
light.1 = 3, -3.09, 18.1, 3.03, fx_navgrecarenq
But where is the white light on the tail? Is it listed somewhere in the cfg. file other than in the section with the other lights? Hopefully, it's somewhere where I can find it so I can replace it with the "fx_navwhicarenq" from the Cessna 182Q.
That effect is embedded in the model, it can't be changed.
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