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Frames per second (FPS) on H850 XP



  • Ayata

    course selector is not vorking manualy?????? delay on hold speed
    course selector when you try it shows FMS??????
    Cerenado letter is not showing in program or program file to get the manual
    capt Murray Ayata

  • Mfulweber

    I tried this but it still has a very slow frame rate, would love to see a fix!

  • Cactus683

    Same here still having the low fps,i have to shut the airports and vors off the fms display,and then its still jumpy,we need a fix.

  • Mfulweber

    I also shut down airports & VORS on the FMS along with the suggestion above & it worked somewhat, still very jumpy. When I start the APU or even plug in my flight plan that's when I have issue, falls back to a very slow frame rate.

  • Cactus683

    Yup exactly the problem im having MFULWEBER,as soon as i plug my origin in it freezes right up

  • Bobacnewcastle

    Did anyone get this to work?

  • Mfulweber

    Nothing is working as of yet although developers state they are still working on it. As of last week I have not received an update, not sure if it's a bigger problem than anticipated or not. If this goes on another week I'll need to ask for a refund, that plane was expensive!

  • Bobacnewcastle

    Thanks Mfulweber, it seems to be something to do with the navigraph, if you choose not to run caranavigraph.dll on opening fsx the aircraft opens and runs at 40+ but the fmc obv doesn't work so no navigation! Frustrating as textures and everything are really good

  • db.hack1969

    Hi, I am trying to run this aircraft on P3D v2.4 and am usually getting 35-40 fps on similar complexity aircraft (eg Majestic Q400) on this 2 fps if I'm very lucky. I have carried out procedure above, a bit disappointed to say the least. I hope and expect an update soon.

  • Ruy Costa

    While performing the modifications suggested by the Lords in CarenadoNavigraph properties. The plane is still too heavy, running in slow motion.

    I suggest you to contact the

    The mjc8q400 is very close to the real plane, with many more features and super light and uses the fmc Universal.

    I think that you must resolve this problem urgently, as well as charging super expensive by plane, they still suggested the purchase of expansion that only compromises the operation of aircraft.

  • HKAeroservices

    This fix does not work. I am running very fast computer and should not see this type of performance on Carenado products. I have purchased multiple Carenado products and think they are to notch, close to PMDG. But this frame rate issue is worst than running a full blown PMDG product with every add on available. Need to get a fix real soon, I almost feel ripped off.

  • Dana Zikas

    Very all of your planes 60/70FPS with no problem.
    My rig can handle most anything, but 4/5FPS is unacceptable.
    Please keep me informed or I will request a refund on two of my recent purchases;H850XP & Navigraph Extension 550.

  • Paul Christopher Stapleton

    I have the same low framerate issue with the 850XP only.
    I'm running on a good spec machine.
    If I delete the CARPROLINE21.CAB file framerates are excellent once more. Obviously I no longer have my digital displays but this is where the issue appears to be for me. The security fix on the CarenadoNavigraph folder did not work. The aircraft otherwise looks great so hopefully this problem can be resolved.

  • db.hack1969

    I was looking for an addon aircraft of this type before (business jet with updatable FMC)
    I settled on this one,mainly because of a favourable review on Youtube by David Womacks who did not seem to report any defects of this type.I mentioned having the Majestic Q400 only because it is an aircraft of similar complexity(no framerate problems at all)

  • Ruy Costa

    Dear Sirs,
    I wonder if they have managed to set up the FMC Carenado extension S550 Citation II HD Series?
    And if analyzed the settings I sent them to my computer?
    Sure his precious attention, anticipate them my thanks.

  • Mfulweber

    It appears this issue is not being addressed or it's more drastic than previously determined. I have not had communication with them in over two weeks now, anyone else have the gut feeling they've moved on and are not interested in the slow frame rate issue?

  • db.hack1969

    Hi,I am afraid I have to agree,it would seem they are looking at another half -cooked aircraft. I'm very much afraid my money's gone south on the XP850 .Carenado will not be getting any more of mine unless they can come up with a solution and an apology

  • John Dawson

    Have you guys figured this out yet? I've narrowed it down to the carenavigraph. Please get it figured out or I am asking for my money back.

  • Thomas Handley Jr

    Fix above for the CarenadoNavigraph DIDN"T work. I'm on windows 10 and have an i7-6700K @ 4.7GHz. Yet, I don't believe I should be getting an average of 7.4 fps! It initially starts out at 15.8 +/- 5fps and then dips WAAAAAAYYYYY down to as low as 2.2fps. Was this plane designed to run only on Windows 7? Some of my friends who stayed with windows 7 are getting upwards of 50-70fps with this plane. Please provide us a fix for this aircraft soon!

  • db.hack1969

    I am sorry to tell you all that having bought this aircraft about 5 months ago and NEVER have got it to work or fly . I have had no help whatsoever from Carenado I will not be buying another Carenado offering. They will be receiving no more of my money .

  • Lascours Lucas

    Try reinstalling your addon disabling your antivirus software, this solution has run home.

  • db.hack1969

    Save your money,don't buy Carenado because if you have any problems you can whistle for support from this lot.

  • Dale White

    Went to properties and edited users rights to allow settings -- Didn't help get Navigraph data load, still froze. Went back to properties and set everything I could find under edit to allow setting, still froze. I hope support has some more ideas.

  • Dale White

    Must give praise for to Carenado Support. After editing security properties, Navigraph database update still did not upload. Just about to give up, then I tried one more thing; reload the products (plane and navigraph) one more time. That worked, it all updated, and away I went in my new, very expensive Embraer M805. Frame rates OK, program ran without running out of memory for about and hour, then Windows7 finally gave up and died.

  • Lascours Lucas

    Try reinstalling your addon disabling your antivirus software, this solution has run home.

  • HKAeroservices

    I uninstalled my Citation 550, and once I did that, The Hawker is getting good frame rate. I think the issue might be when you have both aircraft installed. Must a file that is in Citation causing the Hawker.

  • Mfulweber

    I uninstalled my Citation 550, rebooting my computer & am still having the same old issue, the above from HKAeroservices did not work for me... Man I'm ready to fly this baby, I'm VERY frustrated!

  • Dieter Kuepperbusch

    Dieter K.
    same problem with C90 CTX.
    I think Carenado won`t sell planes in the future.

  • Mfulweber

    "Dieter K.
    same problem with C90 CTX.
    I think Carenado won`t sell planes in the future."

    Dang, I was just about to purchase the C90 but will hold off until further feedback is provided. I guess anyone having issues with the low frame rate from the Hawker will also hold off until some other poor sucker posts up the frame rate issue, then we will know for sure... A shame...

  • HKAeroservices

    Mfulweber, did you do the permission configuration? I did those first with no avail. Then afterwards, I uninstalled my Citation 550 and it started to work for me.


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