Waiting patiently on the Hawker 850XP. Would love to see a 900XP variant too!
Thank you!
Need the ATR 72-500 on xPlane 11
Ted Gray
Since I previously owned a C-337G Skymaster, I would love to see an XP11 update to your XP10 version. The XP10 version works fairly well in XP11 with only a few nagging problems. One of them is that I can't fly in cruise without needing to keep the cowl flaps open for engine cooling. Having them closed or sometimes in trail in cruise was fine in the real aircraft.
We need the hawker 850 for x plane!!!
On this topic, I really do hope that Carenado will decide to update the aircraft that were made in and for X-Plane 10+ so that we can use them in X-Plane 12. The V35B is my personal favorite and there aren't any others out there. the first with a new model gets my $. Thanks you. :D
Waiting patiently on the Hawker 850XP. Would love to see a 900XP variant too!
Thank you!
Need the ATR 72-500 on xPlane 11
Since I previously owned a C-337G Skymaster, I would love to see an XP11 update to your XP10 version. The XP10 version works fairly well in XP11 with only a few nagging problems. One of them is that I can't fly in cruise without needing to keep the cowl flaps open for engine cooling. Having them closed or sometimes in trail in cruise was fine in the real aircraft.
We need the hawker 850 for x plane!!!
On this topic, I really do hope that Carenado will decide to update the aircraft that were made in and for X-Plane 10+ so that we can use them in X-Plane 12. The V35B is my personal favorite and there aren't any others out there. the first with a new model gets my $. Thanks you. :D
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