When you submit a support ticket, please ensure that:
-The topic you are asking about is not already covered in the "Knowledge Base" (Link at the top of this page).
-Please specify WHICH SIM VERSION you are using and on which platform (Mac, Windows, Linux).
-Please attach your "Log.txt" file (automatically generated after every flight). It is located inside your "X-Plane" folder. It gives us valuable information to help you better. Please zip up the log.txt file, in order to reduce the file size, since the ticket system only supports 1 MB attachments.
-Please ensure that you have updated your version of X-Plane to the latest current version.
-Please ensure that your version of the plane is the latest. You can check this by going on the www.carenado.com website, and going to "Products>X-Plane" and clicking on the product you are inquiring about. On the product page, you will get a description of the plane, stating the current version, among other things.
-If you think it would help us understand your support request better, please attach screenshots of what you are trying to describe. Please keep them under 1 MB in total, and zip them up, if that would help keep the file size down.
-Please limit your support requests to questions about planes that you have purchased, and need support with. Other questions, such as information about products you're considering purchasing, or if or when Carenado will be publishing planes you're hoping for, can be discussed in online community forums. Most of Carenado's aircraft have been extensively reviewed in articles that give in-depth information about what's included in the different products. A quick online search will probably allow you to get answers faster than submitting a support ticket, and will help keep the ticket system less cluttered for our paying customers. YouTube is another great resource to find information on our planes. Just enter "Carenado X-Plane" and maybe the product you are interested in, and you should get some pretty amazing videos for your consideration.
Further support and community discussion about Carenado's products can also be found on the X-Plane.org site, where others may be discussing topics you might find relevant: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showforum=106
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